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List of Sections 2010

European Dimension of Financial law - Tax Administration within the European Administrative Area

(Department of Financial Law and Economics)

Scientific Guarantor
JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D.
EU membership meant for the acceding countries a need to harmonize their legislation. However, the process of Europeanization of the financial law is to be understood within a broader context. It should be seen as a long and still ongoing process in a rapidly evolving field of public law, under which both the community and national financial regulations responds to the new rules and amendments. What is more, in the field of financial law there still remain the areas which directly are not harmonized, but their analysis and comparison can help with solving similar problems in different European countries. The section is therefore focused on the European dimension of financial law. We welcome the comparative sights of this area, particularly contributions that reflect the problems of tax administration within the European administrative space.

Economics Point of View of Law

(Department of Financial Law and Economics)

Scientific Guarantor
doc. Ing. Jiří Blažek, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D.
The main topic of the section consists in the contents and methodical issues of economy (national economy) and law relationship. There are welcome three types of papers in the section: papers presenting this issue in the historical context, papers dealing with the current issue of economy, papers comparing different points of view of the issue.

Individual and International Public Law - Recent Situation

(Department of International and European Law)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. Vladimír Týč, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. David Sehnálek, Ph.D.
After the WW2 an individual had been gradually embodied into the system of international public law and international legal relationships and thus became directly a subject of international rights and obligations and not only their destinatary via the state. This is true namely in case of fundamental rights protection and in case of direct criminal liability. In both cases institutions were created in order to fully safeguard their functioning. On the other hand the European law has involved the individual from its very beginning as its integral and axiomatic part. This position of an individual has been even strengthened by the case law of the European Court of Justice and recently by adoption of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The later document has been generally welcomed, however, it also raises some doubts and causes deep discussions.

Arbitration – Autonomy of Parties and Mandatory Rules of Procedure

(Department of International and European Law)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Klára Svobodová
Application of the procedural rules of the place of arbitration or of the place of enforcement of arbitral awards does not rank among questions which are clearly and seamlessly solved. The scope of autonomous will of parties and of arbitrators on one hand and the impact of procedural rules of forum on the other hand are matters, which can bring a lot of surprise. This surprise is influenced by the theory of arbitration, as well as by the emphasis, which is given to the autonomous will or to the procedural rules of forum. Concerning the Czech law, it is the problem of interpretation of several sections of the Arbitration Act. Concerning the international commercial arbitration, there are various problems – from the application of procedural rules of forum to the effect of public policy. We welcome the comparative sight of this area, especially from foreign participants.

European And National Dimension of Civil Law

(Department of Civil Law)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. Jan Hurdík, Dr.Sc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Pavel Koukal, Ph.D.
This section will be focused on the influence of the acquis communautaire on the civil law and on the harmonization and unification of the civil law in EU. Papers concerning the analysis of the judicature of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the EC in the area of the civil law are also welcome. Discussion will be addressed on the relation between Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and national civil laws as well.

Law Protection Against Domestic Violence

(Department of Civil Law)

Scientific Guarantor
doc. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Ing. Radovan Dávid
The section introduces the interdisciplinary view on the law protection against domestic violence in the light of European human rights with particular focus on children rights in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The conference papers will be lined up in compliance with the extent of their generality (the historical development of law against domestic violence; marriage, cohabitation, divorce, contact with children, restraining order, substitute family care, legal protection of children, current questions of civil law recodification).

Significance of Soft-law in Commercial Law Context

(Department of Commercial Law)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. Josef Bejček, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Josef Šilhán, Ph.D.
The section is focused on the analysis of the various aspects of the so called “soft-law” instruments in the area of commercial and business law, especially concerning their actual function and practical impact (including case law) and relationship to the statutory law. Specialized contributions from these perspectives may aim at the corporate law, contract law, competition (antitrust) law, law of securities and capital market, as well as international trade law and other areas related to commercial law.

Metamorphoses of Private Law

(Department of the History of the State and Law)

Scientific Guarantor
doc. JUDr. Ladislav Vojáček, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Pavel Salák, Ph.D
The topic of this section is the evolution of private law from the roman and antique law to present. The points of interests are especially: evolution of categorization of private versus public law, the history of great private law codifications, evolution of private law institutes. Also the political context and its influence on private law is one of the points of interests.

Theory And Practise of Legal Interpreting

(Department of Legal Theory)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. et PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
doc. PhDr. Tatiana Machalová, CSc.
Attention will be paid to
  1. The role of legal interpretation in the Theory of Law
  2. The interpretation of  the European Law in the Czech judicial decisions
  3. The interpretation of  human rights

Nature and Law

(Department of Enviromental Law and Land Law)

Scientific Guarantor
doc. JUDr. Ivana Průchová, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Jana Tkáčiková, Ph.D.
Nature is being approached according the Act No. 114/1992 on Protection of Nature and Landscape as a system of elements of territorial as well as biodiversity character and it is the object of various legal relationships and its regime is being also touched by many legal regulations both of public and private law. The themes of your contributions can be aimed at the specifics of nature position and its individual elements both in the frame of relationships within the environment management or generally in the frame of state administration performance and in the frame of property relationships (e.g. possessory, enjoyment, damage liability). In your contributions, you can confront the assertion of purely administrative-legal tools as well as other tools having e.g. economic, conceptual or voluntary character which influence these legal relationships.

Contemporary Issues of the Internal Administration

(Department of Administrative Studies and Administrative Law)

Scientific Guarantor
JUDr. Jana Jurníková, Ph.D.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Alena Kliková, Ph.D.
The upcoming session is going to deal with the contemporary issues of enactment and application of the internal administration. As far as the scope of topic concern, we anticipate debates focused on the register of birth topic, name and surname enactment, contemporary issues dealing with the identification number and permanent residence, including issues related to the protection of personal data and electronisation of public administration. In addition to the main topic, a particular section will concern with the citizenship and the role of the Czech Republic in building of the asylum system. All the contributions focused on domestic, international and particularly European enactment are welcomed.

Problematic Issues of Upcomming Recodification of the Czech Crimil Procedure

(Department of Criminal Law)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D., DSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Eva Žatecká, Ph.D.
The section is aimed for the possible problematic issues and questions of upcoming recodification of Czech criminal procedure, in the perspective of theory and forecasting practice. The section is not limited only for the criminal procedure law. The related issues of criminal substantive law are welcome, especially from the view of the act 40/2009 Coll., criminal code, and other related acts. The section will follow not only the problematic of the Czech criminal procedure, but the questions of international cooperation in criminal matters where the new regulation is preparing, including europeisation of criminal procedure law. The foreign papers are welcome too.

Citizens and aliens in the context of national, international and European law progress

(Department of Cinstitutional Law and Political Science)

Scientific Guarantor
prof. JUDr. Jan Filip, CSc.
Organizational Guarantor
JUDr. Pavel Molek, Ph.D.
Nationality/citizenship – status or public subjective right, scope, requirements, duties, double citizenship, procedure, fraudulently acquired citizenship, new legislature attempts, judiciary problems; alien law – role of foreigners in the view of constitutional law, European alien law, asylum as a fundamental right?
